Chris, being a smart young man with great survival instincts, decided to spend part of this two week break between the Toronto Fringe and the Saskatoon Fringe travelling, camping, visiting with family and friends, etc.
I guess the prospect of hanging around the condo with two tense, sweaty lesbians who are frantically trying to pack up all of their earthly belongings to move to Vancouver didn't appeal.
Now, Chris neglected to take a self-portrait of the Week 3 'stache before he left. BUT we did take some promo pictures for the show! The star of the photos? Undoubtedly Chris's mustache.
Want a close up? Of course you do.
In other news, now that Chris has taken off, I'm stuck drinking Slurpees for two. It's a real hardship, I don't mind telling you. But, you know - I do it for the fans.
Slurpee count = 42