When the edge of your poster says "Drunken Bears Get in Free!" and features a bear getting drunk, people send you photos of drunken bears. Melissa was kind enough to post this photo on her blog:
She claims the bear has been drinking Heineken, but I don't know - he looks like more of a Pabst Blue Ribbon drinker to me.
Kristen also sent in some shots of a petting zoo bear named Smokey, who enjoys peppermints and, if the photographs are any indication, making out with COMPLETE STRANGERS.
At first I wondered "Peppermints? Really?" But then it all became clear - Smokey probably needs those mints to cover up the smell of booze on his breath. Well played, my ursine friend. Well played.
I forgot to tell you that, as well as vegies, meat, dog chow & fruit, Smokey also gets cake/pie/DONUTS everyday, guess what he eats first? He is a very friendly bear, even my 2 year old gives him peppermints.
Posted by: Kristen | June 28, 2006 at 03:46 AM
DONUTS?? GOD, I love this bear!! Thanks, Kristen.
Posted by: roro | June 28, 2006 at 04:33 PM
I am trying to entice people to visit me in nowhere nova scotia, is it working?
Posted by: Kristen | June 28, 2006 at 05:28 PM