NB: This post is entirely composed of self-indulgent twaddle about Buffy the Vampire Slayer - the memories, the magic, the muff-diving. If you're not a Buffy fan, you probably won't give a wet slap. So...carry on.
NNB: Also, if you haven't finished all seven seasons and don't wanna know what happens, probably don't keep reading. Okay, thank you.
I deeply enjoy the Buffy, as you know, but I wouldn't describe myself as a rabid fan. I don't know the titles of most of the episodes - other than the lesbians, I didn't really care who was dating who - I didn't need to have long talks about it with other people on the internet. And while I was sad when the show ended, I admit that I greeted the "Season 8 in comic book form" news with a distinct lack of interest.
As I read more about Season 8, however, I became curious enough to put it on my wish list and I was thrilled to receive an unprecedented number of Buffy-related gifts this past birthday. FINALLY my parents are starting to understand that this "vampire show" thing is not just a PHASE. Among the Buffy bounty was a copy of Fray, which I didn't really know much about other than that it was set in the future and looked cool and stuff.
Fray was a very fun read (and I'm not really a "graphic novel" girl). Great artwork, compelling characters and those delightful turns of phrase and surprising plot twists that kept us all tuned in to Buffy for so long. I would have been happy to recommend it to any Whedon fan.
And now, thanks to my brother who just sent me a second copy of Fray as part of a delayed birthday reaction (not his fault), I am happy to actually give it away to a Whedon fan! Like you! Because while Buffy's gift may be "Death", MY gift is "re-gifting".
I promise I will have this shiny new copy of Fray in your hands by June 23rd - 'cause that's Joss Whedon's birthday. All you have to do is answer this Buffy meme that I just made up - on your own blog, in a Facebook note or in the comments, whatever works - and tell me you've done it and I'll enter your name in a draw! Or, if you don't feel like playing, you can just go buy it yourself - it's, like, $13. Go crazy!
The Buffy episode that first got you hooked was: Earshot (the one in Season 3, where Buffy can hear everyone's thoughts and the cafeteria lady tries to kill everyone). My roommate Jesk and I watched it because there was nothing else on TV that night. I was stunned by how funny it was. The moment where Xander catches the lunch lady? He stares. She stares. The rat poison keeps pouring. I died. We were INSTANTLY converts.
Favourite season: Season 4 will always hold a special place in my heart because it was the first whole season that I saw as it unfolded. Also, it was a tight season with a great story arc. Also, it contained this line: "She irons her jeans. She's EVIL."
Least favourite season: Hmm. Overall, I'd have to say Season 1. It's the only one I haven't bothered to buy. But there were parts of both 6 and 7 that I deeply hated.
Favourite episode(s): The one where Giles gets turned into a demon; the one where Tara's family comes to get her; the Zeppo; the one where Willow's spell goes wrong and Buffy and Spike get engaged; the one with two Willows; I could go on, but those are the first five that popped into my head.
Moment(s) when you said "Really? Must we?": Obviously, Tara getting killed was awful and while I get that's where they were going the whole season, I thought it blew. Also in Season 6, the whole Spike-on-Buffy relationship and then sexual assault and subsequent soul-getting and Season 7 craziness ... really? Also when Xander crapped out at the wedding. I mean, when Buffy had to kill Angel - or herself - THAT was some awesome, plot-serving, totally soul-crushing business. But Xander leaving Anya at the altar? Whatever. Man up.
When you saw the ending of Season 5 for the first time, you: Did the ugly cry, ate all of my roommate's chocolate-covered pretzels, stayed up on the internets all night trying to find out if it was really the end of all things Buffy and seriously considered taking a personal day off work to cope with my totally unexpected and strangely intense grief.
Best guest villain: I fucking love that Ethan Rayne. So slimey and limey.
Worst guest villain: Glory was such an awesome villain - so well-written, so fun, so much potential - and the actor who played her was so completely ass that she nearly turned me off Buffy for good. I don't know who Clare Kramer blew to get that gig, but she continued to blow through all of Season 5. I threw up in my mouth a little just now, thinking about it. GAH.
Favourite song from the musical episode, Once More, With Feeling: You'd think I'd go for the big lesbo number, but I actually prefer Spike's angsty ballad, Rest in Peace.
If you only had one episode to convince your Buffy-ignorant friend to fall in love with the show, you'd show them: Tough call. It depends on the person, really. I've tried several out on Katr and none of them took (although she did enjoy the musical). So if you have any insights in this area, I'd be pleased to hear them.
The question you wish I'd included in this quiz: Favourite relationship? Favourite line? Worst outfit? It's all up to you!