I'm part of the Lady Creators SaIon at Buddies this year. The other women in the group are mainly smart, funny, brilliant performance artists. For example, one of them is my incredibly sweet and lovely friend Jedo, whose last performance piece involved sharpening pencils with her vagina. Yeah, that's right. It was interactive. And then there's me and my linear, traditionally structured Victorian lesbian historical fiction. We go around the circle and talk about our work and I feel like an artistic Luddite.
During a recent salon, however, the tables were turned when we got to talking about online communities and social media. I realized that only one of these women has a website and NONE of them blog or have any real kind of online life (unless you count myspace and I don't, because it blows). And these women are very nice people, but I could tell they all sort of thought that having an involved online life was the last refuge of the anti-social loser. What?? NOW who's the Luddite?
I think I came off as a little defensive in my rebuttal.
When Cas over at Bright Meadow tagged me to write about my 5 reasons for blogging, I saw it as a welcome opportunity to refine my Lady Creators Salon sputterings so that next time someone doesn't understand the point of blogging, I'll actually have something articulate to say.
Reason #1: Instant Gratification
It takes a long time to write a play (well, it takes ME a long time) and it can be weeks, months or years before you get any feedback on it and then often the feedback is "It would be better if it was set in France, why not set it in France?" or "No grant for you!" or "Oooo, SPACE!! SET IT IN SPACE!!" It takes less time to write a blog post, I sometimes get feedback on the same DAY and no one in the blogosphere turns me down for grants. Although I think we can all agree that my blog would be better if it was set in space. With Gina Torres in tight pants. And me with no pants. Okay, I need a minute.
Reason #2: Community (and a little voyeurism)
My life has been infinitely richer since I blogged my way into this international community of incredible, accomplished, intelligent, hilarious people. In the two years I've been blogging, I've seen romance ignite, children conceived and born, knitting accomplished, Masters degrees, PhDs and bar exams completed, cross-country trips chronicled, goals attained, demons shared,discussed, dealt with, conquered and many, many photos of cats (CATSPIRACY!!). I've worried over people being hurt or ill or depressed, clapped my hands with glee at successful first dates and even been adopted. When I describe the kick I get out of peeking through these blog-shaped windows into other people's lives, it's like I'm giving my own teary-eyed version of the Rutger Hauer speech at the end of Blade Runner:
"I've read things you people wouldn't believe. Posts vaguely related to playoff hockey that made me cry. Women who do all their own home renovations. And Syd, who has more guns than I have bras."
Reason #3: Self-Preservation
I like to think I have a good memory, but sometimes, I am wrong. People with better memories than I will often remind me of hilarious stories I told them years ago in university and I won't have a clue what they're talking about. Without the blog, there's NO way I would remember things like:
- Accusing Katr of having an affair with someone named Louise;
- How I want to be more like Ma Ingalls; and
- That two Solstices ago, I planned to start a family band called Dr. K and the Repeaters. GOLD!
My last two reasons come via my favorite old Roman guy Horace. I aspire, through pretty much any writing I do, be it plays or marketing copy for industrial lubricants, to achieve the twin artistic goals of docere and delicare:
Reason #4: To Educate
I'm not stingy with my knowledge. It's been my privilege to share with you my online dating tips, my brilliant invention for staying cool in summer and that New England isn't a state. That's right - it's a BUNCH of states. Yeah, you're welcome.
Reason #5: To Delight
Seriously, I just want to entertain you with my stupid stories. A lot of people who write say they have to write, that they'd do it even if no one else ever read it. Not me. Although I do laugh a lot at my own jokes. If I didn't see it as a way to connect with people, if it wasn't about sharing instead of merely recording an experience, I wouldn't do it.
And now, for the tagging that must follow these types of endeavours. I tag zuhn, Melissa, Drew, Lex, and Whozat (or Shrike, you know, whichever). Answer! Or keep it a mystery. Or just post photos of sock monkeys. As you choose.